Chanter la mémoire dans les rues et les villes dont la mémoire est meurtrie - Chanteuse Dalal Abu Amneh

2024-5-6 15:37

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Dalal Abu Amneh est une chanteuse et spécialiste en neurosciences, elle

dirige une troupe musicale itinérante “ مشوار ستي”, qu’on peut traduire par

“itinéraire ou trajet de ma grand mère “. la troupe se compose de vielles

dames qui chantent, en arpentant les ruelles et et les venelles des villes

palestiniennes ,de vieilles chansons issues du folklore palestinien, où

l’on raconte la vie et l’histoire de ces lieux. Une forme de résistance

vitale contre les tentatives d’effacement du patrimoine immatériel

palestinien ô combien important dans la construction d’une identité


NB : Dalal Abu Amneh a été interpellée en octobre dernier suite à un tweet

pro Gaza.


Oct 22, 2023: Palestinian singer Dalal Abu Amneh under house arrest

following social media postShe was accused of promoting hate speech and

incitement by Israeli authorities and initially jailed for two days

[image: Palestinian singer Dalal Abu Amneh. Photo: @dalal.abuamneh /

Instagram] Palestinian singer Dalal Abu Amneh. Photo: @dalal.abuamneh /


Palestinian singer Dalal Abu Amneh has been released on bail and put under

house arrest after she was taken into custody for a social media post that

Israeli authorities deemed as “promoting hate speech and incitement”. “After

spending two nights in solitary confinement unjustly and falsely, I am

free,” Abu Amneh posted on Instagram on Friday, along with a photo of

herself with her two children. “My body, which was weakened by my three-day

hunger strike, is now stronger. My faith in God is deeper. My conviction in

my message and my task has increased tenfold. They tried to strip me of my

humanity, silence my voice, and humiliate me in every way. They insulted me

and handcuffed my hands and feet, but they made me more proud and

dignified.” Abu Amneh, who is an Israeli citizen, was arrested after she

posted a Palestinian flag


with the words “There is no victor but God” to her more than 340,000

followers on Instagram. The post has since been taken down. She was

detained for two days and has terms of her house arrest include being

banned from discussing the war for 45 days, her lawyer said. It is not

clear if she will be charged. Civil rights lawyers say Israeli authorities

are interpreting any expressions of solidarity with Palestinians in Gaza as

incitement. On Tuesday, Israel’s police commissioner Kobi Shabtai said

there would be zero tolerance for incitement against the state and its

symbols. “Whoever wants to be a citizen of the state of Israel, ahlan wa

sahlan (“welcome” in Arabic). Whoever wants to identify with Gaza is

welcome, I will put them on a bus headed there,” Shabtai said in a video

message. In her latest social media post, Abu Amneh thanked her family as

well as “those who supported me from all over the world, whether with a

word, a call, or a stand.”

*“My voice will remain a messenger of love, defending the truth in this

world,” she said.*