Fwd: OMAM · Palestine: Between Words and Silences · Radical Education the Day After by Mayssoun Sukarieh

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[image: OMAM - Maison des Sciences Humaines (MSH-ULB)]

The Stories We Tell


April 25 – June 27



Mayssoun Sukarieh, King’s College London, MSH Guest Professor.

April 30 · 12-14H

Salle Geremek, Institut d’Études Européennes (IEE)

Avenue F. Roosevelt 39, 1000 Bruxelles

While acknowledging the importance of knowledge production about Gaza and

Palestine in the struggle for liberation, in this talk I emphasize the need

for caution. This is because the academic world has its own internal logic,

funders as well as researchers have their own agendas, universities also

have their own ideas about research in the Strip. We are already seeing the

seeds of an industry created where academic grants and funders design the

research that benefits groups in the academy but does not necessarily

benefit Palestinian communities and struggles. There are by now so many

calls for conferences and gatherings about what is going on in Gaza, I have

been already approached to be part of grant applications for research

projects in Gaza for “the day after.” This presentation will reflect on

different education projects that consider education in its relation to

political struggle and liberation, that focuses not only on education for

social mobility but political activism, that refuses the division of

knowledge production not connected to struggles, and that thinks of how we

can, in the case of Gaza, learn from a long, worldwide tradition of

education for liberation to rebuild the educational sector in radical ways.

Dr. Mayssoun Sukarieh is a Senior Lecturer in the Department of

International Development. She received her PhD from the University of

California, Berkeley. Since then, she has lectured in anthropology and

development studies in universities around the Arab region (American

University of Beirut; American University of Cairo) and the US (Columbia

and Brown Universities). Mayssoun’s research interests engage broadly with

social, economic and cultural transformations in relation to neoliberal

development in the Middle East. Mayssoun recently published her first book:

Youth rising: The politics of youth in the Global economy. In addition to

this scholarly monograph, she has published widely across an

interdisciplinary range of highly ranked academic journals, including

Anthropological Quarterly; Political and Legal Anthropology; Third World

Quarterly; Comparative Studies of South Asia, Africa and the Middle East;

Race and Class; Journal of Youth Studies; and British Journal of Sociology

of Education.

More info:


(EN) The stories we tell matter. It matters how we craft them and what

they say and don’t say about others and ourselves. In this hour of

genocide, as we bear witness to unspeakable horror and the stifling

censorship of educational, cultural and political institutions, we

foreground Palestinian worlds to nourish learning and cultivate hope.

Bringing together a set of exceptional scholars, artists and activists,

this program invites us to confront what we cannot longer unsee and to

listen to what has been muzzled. Through conversations, poetry, music, and

films we aim to unsettle all-too-predictable story lines by repositioning

words and silences as historical agents of complex and ongoing


(FR) Les histoires que nous racontons sont importantes. La manière dont

nous les élaborons et ce qu’elles disent ou ne disent pas sur les autres et

sur nous-mêmes sont importants. En cette heure de génocide, alors que nous

sommes témoins d’une horreur indicible et de la censure étouffante des

institutions éducatives, culturelles et politiques, nous mettons en avant

les mondes palestiniens pour nourrir l’apprentissage et cultiver l’espoir.

Réunissant un ensemble d’universitaires, d’artistes et d’activistes

exceptionnels, ce programme nous invite à affronter ce que nous ne pouvons

plus voir et à écouter ce qui a été muselé. À travers des conversations, de

la poésie, de la musique et des films, nous visons à déstabiliser les

lignes d’histoire trop prévisibles en repositionnant les mots et les

silences en tant qu’agents historiques de transformations complexes et


This program is organized by OMAM and REPI in collaboration with AADPT,

De Appel, Palestine Solidarity Network, Citylab Pianofabriek, The Kitchen,

KANAL-Centre Pompidou, Poetik Riots, Globe Aroma, Radio Al Hara, Sophia,

Kaaitheater and United Screens for Palestine.

More info: *https://msh.ulb.ac.be/en/team/omam/the-stories-we-tell


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                                        Université libre de

Bruxelles (ULB)

                      Recherche et Études en Politique

Internationale (REPI)

                                     Maison des Sciences Humaines (MSH)